A Robotframework Extension for Network Automation Testing
The Authors assume no responsibility for damage or loss of system performance as a direct or indirect result of the use of this software. This software is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty.
All product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with this software. Use of these names does not imply any co-operation or endorsement.
For details about Robot Framework see RobotFramework
The framework provides an simple way to conduct Network Automation Testing by using simple scenario as follow:
The following instructions is aimed for Centos 6.x systems. Other system could use the equivalent commands to install necessary packages
The current version of RENAT is using Python 2.x.
$ yum -y install centos-release-scl-rh
$ yum -y install python27
$ python --version
$ yum install epel-release
$ yum install gettext gcc net-snmp net-snmp-devel net-snmp-utils czmq czmq-devel python27-tkinter xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
$ pip install numpy pyte PyYAML openpyxl Jinja2 pandas paramiko lxml requests
$ pip install netsnmp-py==0.3
$ pip install robotframework robotframework-selenium2library robotframework-sshlibrary
For more information about Robotframework and installation, check http://robotframework.org/
Prepare RENAT folder in your working folder
$ cd
$ mkdir work
$ cd work
$ clone https://<git url> renat
Make an environment varible $RENAT_PATH
pointing the correct RENAT folder.
If you have multi renat (different version) checked out, modify this varible to use the correct RENAT version.
$ export RENAT_PATH=~/work/renat
You could put the above on your startup file for convinience like:
$ echo "export RENAT_PATH=~/work/renat" >> ~/bash.rc
Create a common robot
account on the RENAT server. This account will be used for collect and set configuration between the test routers and the RENAT server. Following are sample configuration
$ useradd renat -g tech
$ passwd renat
Edit the global configuration of RENAT config/config.yaml
to suite your environment.
Usually only the robot-server
and robot-password
are need to be modified.
RENAT global configuration files are store in $RENAT_PATH/config
Check and edit device.yaml
to includes all your test devices and their IP address
Check and edit template.yaml
for access-template
that controls the behaviors of RENAT when accessing to different systems.
Check and edit auth.yaml
for authentication method when RENAT access to the test devices.
Using the RENAT account information to modify the config.yaml
is the IP of the RENAT serverrobot-password
is the password of the RENAT account on robot-server
Modifying the extra-lib
part to enable/disble extra libraries if it is neccessary. Current support libraries are
: supports IxNetwork and IxLoadArbor
: supports Arbor Network TMS applianceSamurai
: supports Samurai application (a NTT Communications product)OpticalSwitch
: supports Calient L1 switchYou need to access to proper Ixia softwares by your own and following its instruction correctly. The following instructions are just examples.You could by pass this part if you are not intending to use Ixia control modules.
$ yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel ld-linux.so.2
$ ./IxOS6.80.1100.9Linux64.bin (/opt/ixia/ixos/6.80-EA-SP1)
$ ./IxNetworkTclClient7.41.945.9Linux.bin (/opt/ixia/ixnet/7.41-EA)
Sample for startup file ( /etc/profile.d/ixia.sh ) that set necessary variables for Ixia clients
for LIBS in "$IXL_libs $IXOS_libs"
for FOLDER in `find $LIBS -type f -name pkgIndex.tcl | rev | cut -d/ -f2- | rev`
export IXL_libs
The concept of Tester module
is that the configuration should be created using Tester GUI (like Ixia Network or Ixia Load). RENAT framework supports controling the test items, stop/run the tests etc. but does not support traffic genrating itself
It is more convinence to access the test result from a web browser. Configure your favorite web server to display to access the test project and test item folder.
The following is a snipset of Apache config file (httpd.conf) to show the user work
directory. Any RENAT test project or test item could be access easily from browser with following URL like: http://
<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
# UserDir is disabled by default since it can confirm the presence
# of a username on the system (depending on home directory
# permissions).
# UserDir disabled
# UserDir enabled *
# To enable requests to /~user/ to serve the user's public_html
# directory, remove the "UserDir disabled" line above, and uncomment
# the following line instead:
UserDir work
Make sure you have right Python (2.x) and runnable Ixia module (if Tester
module is necessary)
$ python --version
Python 2.7.13
$ python
Python 2.7.13 (default, Apr 12 2017, 06:53:51)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-18)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import IxNetwork
>>> import IxLoad
Make sure $RENAT_PATH
is set correctly
$ printenv | grep RENAT_PATH
Below example assumes that you’ve already have a test router running JunOS.
$ cd ~/work
$ $RENAT_PATH/tools/project.sh sample
created test project: sample
use item.sh to create test case
$ tree sample
├── lab.robot
├── renat.rc
├── run.sh
└── setpath.bashrc
$ cd sample
$ $RENAT_PATH/tools/item.sh item01
Create local configuration file (local.yaml) or not [yes,no=default]:y
Use tester [ex:ixnet03_8009]:
Use tester config file [ex:traffic.ixncfg]:
Use node list (comma separated) [ex:vmx11]:vmx11
Use web app list (comma separated)[ex:samurai1]:
=== Created `item01` test item ===
Case scenario: /home/user/work/renat/tools/item01/main.robot
Case run file: /home/user/work/renat/tools/item01/run.sh
Local config file: /home/user/work/renat/tools/item01/config/local.yaml
Tester config file:/home/user/work/renat/tools/item01/config/
Check and change the `local.yaml` local config file if necessary
$ tree item01
├── config
│ ├── local.yaml
│ └── vmx11.conf
├── lab.robot -> ../lab.robot
├── main.robot
├── readme.txt
├── renat.rc
├── result
├── run.sh
└── tmp
4 directories, 10 files
The ‘config/local.yaml` file includes local information for each test item. Edit this file to add more test devices, tester or other item specific information.
Edit main.robot
file in test item folder to look like this
# Basic setting
*** Setting ***
Documentation This is a sample test item
Metadata Log File [.|${CURDIR}/result]
Suite Setup Lab Setup
Suite Teardown Lab Teardown
# Common setting
Resource lab.robot
# Variable setting
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
01. First item:
Router.Switch vmx11
Router.Cmd show version
Using --dryrun
option to check the current scenario
$ ./run.sh --dryrun
Current RENAT path: /home/user/work/renat
Run only once
Current local.yaml: /home/user/work/renat/sample/item01/config/local.yaml
Loaded extra library `Tester`
Loaded extra library `Arbor`
Main :: Testing item01
01. First item: | PASS |
Main :: Testing item01 | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Output: /home/user/work/renat/sample/item01/result/output.xml
Log: /home/user/work/renat/sample/item01/result/log.html
Report: /home/user/work/renat/sample/item01/result/report.html
Execute ./run.sh
to run the test. Test result and log files are in the ./result
$ ./run.sh
Current RENAT path: /home/user/work/renat
Run only once
Current local.yaml: /home/user/work/renat/sample/item01/config/local.yaml
Loaded extra library `Tester`
Loaded extra library `Arbor`
Loaded extra library `OpticalSwitch`
Main :: item01: very simple sample
RENAT Ver:: RENAT 0.1.6
The sample requires a running Juniper router
00. Lab Setup
01. First item: | PASS |
99. Lab Teardown
Main :: item01: very simple sample | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Output: /home/user/work/renat/sample/item01/result/output.xml
Log: /home/user/work/renat/sample/item01/result/log.html
Report: /home/user/work/renat/sample/item01/result/report.html
In case you has configure a web server, access ./result/log.html
or ./result/report.html
for more details about the result.
Exec File
keywordSee manual for more details about RENAT keywords and its modules.
This project is licensed under the Apache v2.0 license. For more detail see license
Thanks to everybody has encouraged, tested and supported this project. All comments, advices and co-operation are appreciated.